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Equine Dentistry

Horse’s teeth, unlike dogs and cats, continue to grow as long as there is a root structure supporting the teeth. As a result of the continuing growth, sharp enamel points arise on the sides of the molars and premolars. As a horse eats, the grinding of the food against the teeth wears down some of the sharp points. However, even a perfect mouth will get sharp points over time and need to have the edges removed through the use of a dental float. A dental exam also identifies teeth fractures, feed packing issues, and tongue or cheek injuries that may require treatment interventions to restore dental comfort and support tooth longevity.

By sedating a horse and using a speculum to keep a horse’s mouth open, we can practice equilibrium – the process of ensuring all teeth are in contact and bear the same amount of pressure and wear. This distributes the wear that occurs during eating onto as many viable teeth as possible, thus allowing horses to live longer and more comfortably.

At Mills Vet Services, we offer power floating for those horses with uneven dentition. Hand floating is also available and is often an excellent choice on horses with normal mouths on a good maintenance schedule. Care is taken always to maintain a balance between molar and incisor growth to maximize molar contact and dental care is tailored to your individual horse’s needs.