Radial Shockwave Therapy

What is it?

Radial pressure wave therapy has been used in dogs, horses, and cats to treat chronic soft tissue injuries, chronic pain conditions, and specific tendinopathies. Managing chronic pain in companion animals can be challenging, especially when the animal cannot tolerate long term nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Radial pressure wave therapy provides a way to reduce chronic pain and improve the repair response.

Our Experience

We have been using shockwave in the practice since 2015, and have seen incredible success in a variety of patient types for a variety of issues. From horses with tendon pain to dogs with hip pain, the shockwave therapy is a non-invasive therapy that is tolerated well by most animals. It can be used as an add-on to an acupuncture/ chiropractic treatment, or as a standalone therapy.

The Mills Vet technicians are trained in administering shockwave therapies for dogs and horses.

Which Animals are a good candidate?

  • Athlete and competition animals with slight lameness, before or after a show

  • Geriatric animals with general hind-end stiffness

  • Dogs recovering from TPLO surgeries, or showing symptoms of partial ligament tears

  • Treatment of myofascial pain and trigger points

  • Repair of tendon and ligament injuries in horses